Unique technology
Oceanair revolutionizes travel by water.
Having no competition, these flying boats are based on one of the world’s most advanced maritime concepts whose exclusive US Patent holder is David L. Borman.
Many years and over several million US dollars were expended to design, build, and vet the original Oceanair prototype. And prepare for manufacture of operational fleet vessels.
Speed of up to 100mph
Unique patented wing-in-ground effect technology allows travel above the ocean’s waves at cruise speed up to 100mph.
With substantial fuel and operational costs savings.

New approach
Ocean Aeronautics brings a new approach to the table.
Rather than build an aircraft, that stays down over the water, our design makes a boat fly.


Thirty year experienced boat builder and 25 years US Coast Guard Yacht Captain, Borman's work and expertise has been sub-contracted to many top national boatbuilders.
His work has been featured in over one hundred magazines around the world including Moscow and London Sunday Times, American Society of Naval Engineers paper (Oceanair design), Ship Management International, Extreme Boats, HotBoat, Poker Runs, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science (as well as articles in ...
Director of Global Sales
Tom worked for over 20 years in finance on Wall Street, built a multi faceted hospitality company that continues to be a force in the wedding and restaurant industry, developed a hovercraft transport company, that is currently servicing the growing tourism industry in Alaska.
In addition, Tom holds a USCG Merchant Mariner Credential and a Canadian Certified Hovercraft Instructor's License.
Discovery Channel's Futureship
ESPN: Oceanair @ Miami International Boat Show

Front cover/ten pages London, Hong Kong, and Dubai, Intersection magazine. Cover model pulling the Phantom portrayed prominent creature of the movie XMen III.
Front cover/ten pages London, Hong Kong, and Dubai, Intersection magazine.
Cover model pulling the Oceanair portrayed prominent creature of the movie X-Men III.

Popular Science Magazine
Featured in Science magizines in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Covered in architectural and design publications worldwide.

Ron Poli, Editor, Extreme Boats Magazine
Sometimes the line between genius and insanity is razor thin... sometimes we see right through it. This is one of those cases.
Jay Ingrahm, Daily Planet/Discovery Channel
Peering into the future? Even a helicopter has a hard time keeping up with it... a boat that can really fly!
Distinguished Scientists, International Academy of Science
Declared nominee as "world's most outstanding scientific achievement of the year (2007, All Sciences)"